Rev. Dr. Maxine R. Sumpter, Pastor



Rev. Dr. Maxine R. Sumpter is a native South Carolinian who matriculated through the University of South Carolina where she received a Bacherlor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Education from the University of South Carolina. Additionally, Dr. Sumpter holds degrees from: Erskine Theological Seminary (M.A. in Practical Ministry); and United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio (M.Div.); Hood Theological Seminary (D.Min.). Further, she is a graduate of the South Carolina Executive Institute.

Currently, an Itinerant Elder in the AME church, Dr. Sumpter is a frequently called upon presenter at conferences and seminars. In addition to her responsibilities as the pastor of Youngs Chapel, Dr. Sumpter serves as an adjunct professor of Christian Education at Erskine Theological Seminary and Dickerson-Green Theological Seminary.